Rules and Responsibilities

The Dragonwood LARP is on hiatus as of March 2019.

The Rules

    1. Safety first.
    2. Be kind.

Your personal goal should be to think first and act second. Be aware of your environment and those around you at all times. Take care to look 360° around yourself before swinging, throwing, or firing any mock weapons. Be smart to stay safe.

Everyone should strive to be kind, respectful, considerate, helpful, supportive, encouraging, welcoming, amiable, courteous, forgiving, understanding, and amazing!


No one is in charge here. We are all in this together.

Like many other homeschool gatherings, this is not a formal group. It’s just a bunch of friends and neighbors playing together at public parks. Parents remain wholly responsible for their own children. Adult supervision is not provided.

Ensuring Diversity, Inclusivity, and Getting Along With Others is everyone’s job.

If you have a conflict with someone, the person you need to talk to is that person. You can ask another LARPer to act as a Mediator if you’re having trouble communicating. If you need adult help, you should ask your parent or the other person’s parent for assistance.

The one thing you should not ever do is gossip about another LARPer. It’s simply unkind and can poison the entire group. If you can’t say it to their face, don’t say it at all. If someone attempts to share malicious gossip with you, please politely suggest they bring their concerns directly to the person they are maligning or that they request a Mediator to help them resolve their disagreement. Also, don’t believe a word of what is shared with you clandestinely. If it was true, it would be spoken about openly, honestly, and respectfully.

You are responsible for making sure that you know the names of your fellow LARPers and who their parents are.

All LARPers need to join the LARP’s Discord server to ensure that communication lines are open. We also require that each LARPer have at least one parent on the Discord server.

The organizer’s and/or the host’s responsibilities are solely to set the dates, times, and locations and communicate those choices to the rest of the group.

This LARP blog exists only because my mom insists upon it solely for its educational value for me. That it has proved a useful communication tool for other LARPers is incidental to that goal.