Story Synopsis for Summer LARP #1 (2018)

Gathered on the Field of Destiny were the following heroes:

    1. Snapple carries a truncheon and can whack you.
    2. King Maximillian is just a human with no special powers and who isn’t even very good with a sword. He wishes to conquer a single galaxy, just one galaxy will be sufficient. The Milky Way is preferred but he will take another galaxy if offered. His boot always falls off, and he carries both a dagger and a sword.
    3. The Demon has possessed a human body for a long time, so long that neither can remember when they became one. The bullets from the Demon’s gun emit an electrical charge which paralyzes the person struck. The Demon looks part-wolf, but she broke her ears so you must imagine them. She is very persuasive.
    4. No One.
    5. Norbeinhind the Unknown.
    6. Sir Bulfrich thinks he may be a human, probably, but he has a bunch of extra health as well as wrist-mounted rocket launchers which carry explosives. He wields a very large greatsword known as Overkill and another slightly less large sword.
    7. The Swordfighter knows he is a human.
    8. Idono carries a gun but doesn’t know who he is due to amnesia.
    9. Dark Soul has multiple hit points and regains lost hit points for killing someone. However, any bit of his body counts as a torso hit, and his health depends on how he feels; today it is 4.
    10. Ace is a ¼ Dragon, ¼ Phoenix, ½ Human hybrid. The Dragon gives Ace wings, which he keeps hidden, and the ability to breathe within fire and to breath fire out as a weapon. The Phoenix allows Ace the power to come back to life, to change the size of his dragon wings and his height, and to ignite himself on fire. The Human gives Ace the appearance of a 14-year-old human, although he is 2,004 years old. Ace is damaged by ice, water and cold, and so avoids all three.
    11. Quark is not sure but thinks he might be a troll or a giant. He calls himself a Taller for he may not be bigger, but he is taller. Quark has 4 health points and can sit down to heal 1 health point every 2 seconds he remains sitting stationary. Quark carries a big shield and a big mace. He has excessive strength and can toss people around. In particular, he can throw his indestructible partner about as a weapon.
    12. Linz the Lizard can climb trees and smack people with his tail. He has healing saliva, but he neither licks nor spits but merely taps to heal. He is no chameleon, however, he can sit up in a tree and be invisible. He hides there and ambushes from above.
    13. The Observer has powers of observation.
    14. Some Guy showed up late.

The events of the day

The adventurers learned that Ace had infiltrated one of Lord Maul‘s armies and was going to steal one of their three power crystals. So they decided to run combat drills on the Mystical Isle until the battle with Lord Maul’s minions began.

They divided into teams. On one side was Idono, Sir Bulfrich, Quark, Linz the Lizard and the Swordfighter. On the other was Ace, King Maximillian, Dark Soul, and Snapple. The Observer’s observations were aided by the Demon, Norbeinhind, and No One.

Quark and Idono charged. The Swordfighter followed as well as Linz the Lizard. Dark Soul battled with The Swordfighter and Linz the Lizard. King Maximillian, Snapple, and Ace moved up to attack the other team’s base.

Sir Bulfrich used Overkill ruthlessly, so King Maximillian threatened to kill Overkill which distracted everyone with a discussion on whether Overkill could be killed. During these discussions, it was revealed that some felt it was unfair that Sir Bulfrich and Quark were on the same team. No One wasn’t paying attention. Being a brave soldier, Idono just walked casually past the argument and grabbed the flag and took it back to his own base.

New teams were chosen. Sir Bulfrich, Quark, Ace faced off against all the others. Dark Soul decided that the best strategy was a quick defeat and so rushed a tree to impale himself on a branch. Seeing his wisdom, Idono, King Maximillian, the Swordfighter, Snapple, and Linz the Lizard followed suit.

Quark then tossed Ace some distance so that Ace would not regenerate near Quark’s home base.

Some Guy showed up late, so they set up for another drill which was called off the heroes realized they needed to replenish their strength at the Faraway Leaf Inn before facing Lord Maul’s minions.

Lord Maul’s army had three power stones. When Ace returned from his reconnaissance mission with only the one, the adventurers decided they wanted to get all three. Quark and Snapple were tasked with guarding the power crystal that Ace had stolen.

As the other heroes laid their plans to capture the other 2 crystals, they were attacked in force by Lord Maul’s minions who wished to reclaim the stolen power crystal. Although mightier in number, the minions were smaller in height and thus were forced back with ease. The adventurers rushed to Lord Maul’s army’s base of operations where No One stole another power crystal and ran so fast he was nearly invisible.

Then the heroes attempted to steal the final crystal, but they were driven back as all of Lord Maul’s rather short troops had rallied to defend their stronghold.

The heroes regrouped and knowing that they must gain all three crystal to stop Lord Maul, they called upon Ra to assist them. Ra sent a blistering heat down upon the battlefield, and so Lord Maul’s regiment surrendered the final power crystal and fled back to their home dimensions.

Story Synopsis for Summer LARP #4 (2018)

On the Field of Destiny were 4 comrades-in-arms: the super soldier Eden Space, one of Lord Maul’s Assassins, a Semi-Tactical Operator, and a Mercenary. While talking, they discovered they all hailed from the same Village of Cats Haven.

Soon the small band of warriors-for-hire was joined by Meyer Mired, a Jilockian from the planet Zimoth and an agent of Lord Maul. He told them that he had come through the portal to the Realm of the Silver Elves seeking dragons and he was very annoyed! He complained bitterly that he had discovered it was just a tourist trap.

“The dragons are a lie!” he declared loudly. Meyer Mired also shared with the expatriate Villagers some of his butterbeer. Unbeknownst to the Jilockian, the butterbeer had long expired due to the time dilation of his many interdimensional jumps and so it poisoned the minds of the Villagers. Now highly susceptible to suggestion and influenced by the rantings of Meyer Mired, they suddenly screamed in horror and fear!

“Dragons!” shouted Eden Space.

“Run for it!” cried Lord Maul’s Assassin.

“Find cover!” yelled the Semi-Tactical Operator.

“Arm yourselves!” bellowed the Mercenary. And so they all grabbed their blasters and ran.

Meyer Mired watched them flee and thought, “Those Cats Haven Villagers are certainly strange creatures.” He then took his tainted butterbeer and wandered over to a group of Marauders. He promptly offered to share some of his bounty. Just as promptly, he started his lament about the Dragons of Dragonwood. The Dark Knight, the demon-human hybrid Aloysius Trancy, the Birthday Boy, Sage Petunia, Martha McFly, and the Wanderer all listened entranced as the dangerous brew took hold of their minds. When Meyer Mired told them about the Villagers fleeing, the Marauders “knew” immediately what had happened.

“Dragons!” shouted Martha McFly! Which was atypical for her as she is generally friendly with old people and only gets into fistfights with people who call her chicken or applesauce.

“They’ll be eaten for sure!” cried Sage Petunia, a Forest Elf.

“We must find them!” yelled the Birthday Boy.

“And kill them all!” bellowed Aloysius Trancy, feeling extra woozy as he’d only recently been pushed through a portal for being too annoying because he’s just so flamboyant.

Now that last bellow from Aloysius was a bit of an unexpected turn, but no one was thinking clearly at this point, including Meyer Mired who was delighted to “learn” that the dragons were real.

“Arm yourselves!” cried the Dark Knight, thinking to himself that he was glad he has mastered the Crack of Darkness which would allow him to thrust any opponent into a pocket universe for long enough for him to get away.

And so the Marauders all took up their swords, their spears, and their sabers, but left their wits.

“Wait!” roared Sage Petunia. “Someone must guard the Sanctuary!” she said as she looked around at the Field of Destiny as if it was a haven not just for cats but for all creatures who feared dragons (which is not say that cats really fear dragons for cats are known to sometimes be dragons). As a Forest Elf, Sage Petunia had strong magical nature powers and she wondered if she ought to create some plants or maybe call a storm.

“I shall stand guard!” declared the Wanderer, breaking Sage Petunia from her reverie.

“And I shall join you,” said Martha McFly, who wasn’t really interested in confronting a dragon as she was crunchy and feared she might taste good with ketchup.

And so, Aloysius Trancy, Meyer Mired, Sage Petunia, the Dark Knight, and the Birthday Boy set out to hunt down the Villagers, not quite sure if their goal was to kill them all or save them from the dragons.

And so began a merry chase. The Villagers running from the dragons. The Marauders hunting for the Villagers. The dragons slumbering.

Throughout the chase, a Statue appeared here and there. Fortunately, no one died. This may not have been for the best.

In the middle of it all, Sir Wulfric fell out of a portal, followed the Statue for a while, and then joined the Marauders on their merry chase, not really caring that their story made no sense for he simply relished the challenge.

Eden Space and Lord Maul’s Assassin returned to the Field of Destiny hoping to find Sanctuary from the dragon. In their madness, they set upon and killed the Wanderer and Martha McFly.

And the dragons? Well. That is the story. For the Semi-Tactical Operator and the Mercenary went on a reconnaissance mission to see if the Villagers could safely return. While passing too near the Faraway Leaf Inn, they were not as sneaky as they intended to be and thus unintentionally awakened the Great Dragon of the Realm who snatched them up and swallowed them in a single bite — so that their potential crunchiness or the appropriate condiment to use were both irrelevant.

The Great Dragon then lumbered down and ate everyone else without bothering to even bring salt. Meyer Mired experienced an exceedingly brief moment of happiness at having finally seen a real dragon.

And thus ended the adventure.

Story Synopsis for Summer LARP #5 (2018)

The Great Dragon of the Realm was awake and terrorizing the local villagers and had been all week. All that lumbering, roaring, screaming, and crunching had also awoken the Great Dragon of the Island and the Great Dragon of the Woods. All three Great Dragons were hungry, cranky, and running low on snack foods. The villages were becoming severely underpopulated and condiments were in short supply.

Ace fled to the Field of Destiny, dragging the Scribe behind him. In their haste, the Scribe lost both her quill and her scroll. But still Ace was hoping to find others brave enough to face the Great Dragons and drive them back into their lairs to slumber again, even if their heroic tale would never be told, or at least not told accurately.

When they reached the Field of Destiny, they found the fearless Dark Knight and a new companion were already there gathering forces for the coming battle. Soon their hearts soared as an Assassin and a Swordfighter came charging over the hill. Then their hearts quailed as they feared the two were running from a Dragon. Fortunately, they were not. And so they all hid under the trees together, hatching a plan.

The first order of business was to recruit more brave heroes unafraid to face the Great Dragons. A great shout went out across the interdimensional communications network, and soon six more brave adventurers arrived at the Field of Destiny. The Scribe scratched their names into the dirt, but the record was later obliterated in the battles.

The battle plan was simple: divide and conquer. So the band of heroes divided into three conquering forces. Working together and independently, the adventurers tracked the Great Dragons to the Mystical Isle and attacked. After a long battle, in which many died and many were revived, the heroes managed to trap all of the Great Dragons in their lairs and seal them in for another centuries-long slumber.

Then Lord Maul, seeing that the Resistance had once again gained the upper hand, seized all their minds, and the heroes began to fight each other. The resulting epic skirmish so frightened the Scribe that she went to find a sandwich, so that’s all of the story that is known.

Story Synopsis for Summer LARP #6 (2018)

When Ace returned from enjoying his sandwich, he found the other heroes gathered on the Field of Destiny. He knew instantly that something had happened.

“What happened?” he asked.

The Semi-Tactical Operator stepped forward. “A giant metal dragon attacked. It took all of our ranged weapons, magical and otherwise.”

“But not my grenades,” declared the Assassin proudly.

“Thankfully we still have our swords,” Sage Petunia observed.

And just then Lord Maul’s minions attacked, for it was the dark one who had sent the Metal Dragon. Unprepared for this secondary assault, the adventurers quickly found themselves driven back until they were across the Somber Footbridge and onto the Mystical Isle.

The heroes rallied and swiftly drove off Maul Corp, driving them back across the Footbridge.

Then the Metal Dragon reappeared and destroyed the Footbridge with bolts of lightning, rending both wood and air with electricity and magic.

Now trapped on the Island, the heroes thought they might be able to rest, but as they settled down onto the ground, they jumped up in surprise and anger. But they did not jump far. The blades of grass soared over their heads and a line of terrifying creatures marched towards them.

Lord Maul had miniaturized the adventurers! And he had bewitched a local ant colony who now sent their warriors marching towards the hapless heroes!

Fortunately, Lord Maul has also miniaturized their weapons and while ants may be skilled at battle, tiny adventurers are more skilled. The heroes drove back the ant assault for they knew that if they reached Lifeblood Castle’s outer gates, it’s latent magic would undo Lord Maul’s evil spell and return them to their natural sizes.

One by one, the heroes popped back up to a regular size as they approached the Castle.

But now Ra was angered for he was fond of ants, and he turned his eye upon the heroes. Fearing they might melt under his fearsome glare, they swiftly fashioned canoes from the stores of bark found in the Castle and paddled back to the mainland.

Ra’s eye followed.

The heroes fled up the Shimmering Alley and into the Faraway Leaf Inn where they all quickly rehydrated before they were reduced to sand.

Ra was displeased. Very displeased.

Story Synopsis for Fall LARP #1

A trouble brewing across a number of universes, worlds in peril, a group of people all alien from one another, different almost entirely, linked only in where they have arrived.

  • A powerful wandering Wish Granter,
  • a Thief with his past left behind but his skill still readily used,
  • a Tinkerer from of a world of steam and industry,
  • an Incarnate of the Elemental Force of Cold,
  • an Explorer from the diverse world of Atlantis,
  • an Astronaut from beyond the grave,
  • a Nature Guide of great power however small will,
  • a Man devoid of moral and sanity striving for outer perfection among the stars,
  • Wanderer, learner of the universe, and claimed chemist, cursed to remain outside of time.

All brought by a device of some form, fueled by energies unknown, that is creating havoc, disrupting the balance. Our strangers find themselves in a crack, a rift where each of their worlds meets.

The Chemist, claiming to have some understanding, round up the assembly of newcomers. The unknown heroes set out to seek answers, beginning an exploration of investigation of the fantastical world of magic the gentleman Thief originated.

A reminder for LARPers to please take a moment to say a little about your character on our Discord LARP server in the #larp-character so we can all better understand who we each are and how we all arrived in Dragonwood.